Wednesday 5 June 2013

Ah, bliss

25th February 2013

“You focus your mind to train your body and the changes that begin to take place impact your mind as well. Dream it, believe it, and you will achieve it.”
 - Unknown

Well, I wasn't sure if I was going to go for a run today as I have been feeling a bit weird (TOTM. Girls will know what that means) and usually, it means that I feel all wobbly and exercising really tires me out and makes my heart pound. I figured that exercise will make me feel better in the long run and that I should give it a go anyway. Mum has been having some trouble with her knee and so she did brisk walking today whereas I did the running.

I was going to run and then wait for Mum to catch up and then do the next run and so on but then I figured that I should take this time for myself and push myself to cover a greater distance. So I basically left Mum behind. It worked and also, my pace has picked up. I turned around and started to run back but on the last three runs, I stopped at 30 seconds, saw how much time I had left and started running again. I then came to a bit of a steep hill and decided that I was going to run to the top of it and carry on running until time was up - even if it killed me. I managed it! And it did nearly kill me. My thigh muscles were really burning and it signaled the end of my running for the day as, by that point, I really was exhausted. Cue a brisk walk back to the car.

The weird thing though is that I have a Garmin which I use to tell me when to run and when to walk. It said that I had only done five runs by the time that I turned around which can't be right. If it is, I am covering one hell of a distance in 60 seconds. Mum and I are both pretty bloody sure that I actually ran 15 times. I'm going to have to upload the data and see what it says. I'm also planning on getting the time that we start the warm-up and then finding out when we finish and we can work it out from that. Still, it was a run, it felt good and I have had one hell of a good scrub down in the shower which I absolutely love.

*edit* Have just checked the data saved on my Garmin and I did 14 runs. Not sure what's going on with the actual device but at least I know that I'm not going mad.

My cross-training on the 'rest' days is going to be P90X as I am a little bored with P90. I'm a little nervous as it's a bit more intense but I am ready for the challenge. Pictures and measurements tomorrow so that I have something for comparison and to aim for. I have a wedding next year and I have to be ready. I want to be able to wear a killer dress.

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