Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Try, try again

02 January 2012

Well, today was a bust. I set my alarm for 6:30am so that I could have my breakfast an hour before my run but I didn't actually manage to fall asleep until 4am. Sucks. By the time my alarm went off, my head was pounding and I couldn't keep my eyes open. Cue me switching off my alarm and going back to sleep. Damn.
To quote a beautiful woman who had men fall at her feet and knew how to work a full-length silk gown "Tomorrow is another day". I don't care if I can't sleep again (which has been going on for a couple of months now), I am going for that run! I have the NHS podcasts, I have my trainers, I have my determination and, (most importantly) I am visiting my sister in Montreal this December and I do not want to have to ask for an extension belt when I'm on the plane. The seats are small enough without me adding to the chronic lack of space. Due to this I have decided that my mantra is going to be:

"When you can't fit into the plane seat, you'll wish that you went for that run".

Bring on tomorrow bitch-es!

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