Wednesday, 5 June 2013

2lbs in 2 days

18th May 2012

Today was my second run back and I knew from experience that it wouldn't feel as good as my first. I have felt really good since Wednesday however, as straight away I was standing straighter, I could feel my thigh muscles (so knew that they had been engaged when exercising) and my abs were hurting slightly.

I have also been sticking to Slimming World with a vengeance - not even going over by 1 syn is allowed. Yesterday really tested my resolve as I had a 'Weight Watchers Chicken Hotpot' which was 6 syns, giving me 9 syns leftover. Trying to find a meal to fit into that was actually quite difficult. It would have been so easy to just go 'oh sod it' but I persevered and found a receipe for 'Cheesy Broccoli and Penne Bake' (at no syns!) with tomatoes, garlic, cottage cheese and onion. I also read in my Food Directory book that Tesco Finest Chunky Chips are only 4 syns for the whole box (I didn't eat them all btw, I shared with my mum). The receipe was enough for four people and even a quarter serving was huge! The weird thing however, was that after eating, I felt really hungry. I drank some water and waited for it to pass but I found this a bit odd and put it down to the exercise causing my body to burn fuel more quickly. This morning, I still felt a little odd but got up for my run anyway as I thought that it may make me feel better (which it did). I decided to weigh myself and found that I have lost 2lbs since Wednesday!

My run was also very good; I completed all runs, kept my head up, kept my posture in check and kept up my pace. It was hard to start off with but I knew that I had to keep going otherwise I would psych myself out and start to form a bad habit. Usually I take the weekends off but I would like to start the next week of the programme on Monday, so am considering going for a run on Sunday in order to finish off week 1. I imagine that this will make Monday a challenge but I have limited time until 'Race for Life'.

I also have to keep an eye on my weight loss as I know that Doctors recommend a weight-loss of only 2lbs a week. I intend to eat more fruit and veg (with every meal if possible) and will be re-thinking my breakfast as I seem to have gone off toast. I guess that I need to be sensible about it and listen to my body.

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