11th January 2012
The bottom and the knickers. The best of friends? You would think so,
wouldn't you? Considering all the time that they spend together, you'd
think that they'd get on like a house on fire. Only there's something
about running that makes my bottom very angry and poor little (ha!)
knickers get all gobbled up. Nice. Of course, the way around this would
be to wear those short-like knickers intended for sport and to prevent
this very thing from happening. But when you're fat, people think that
you don't want this sort of thing and so they don't make them in your
size. The same with hiking gear. Have the likes of 'Craghoppers' and
'Rohan' ever considered the fact that fat people may want to take up
hiking as a way of improving their overall fitness?! Which reminds me,
I've been meaning to write and complain...
Anyway, today was the second day of my first week run. I wanted to go
out Monday but for various reasons involving cars to garages and cats
having surgery, today was the first day that I could get out. I have to
admit that the siren call of my bed was very tempting; I originally
turned my alarm off and settled back down to sleep but then 'The Voice'
started up:
The Voice (V): "Get up".
Me: "No, I had a shitty night's sleep"
V: "Get up, you know you'll feel better after a run".
Me: "No. Too tired. Want to stay in warm, snuggly bed".
V: "Running will help you sleep better"
Me: "I'm too tired"
V: "Running will wake you up and help you sleep better"
Me: "I'll do it tomorrow"
V: "No you won't, you're just making excuses. Think of that airplane seat!"
Me: "Oh, alright, fine".
I thought that that was it but then my cat wanted to lie on me whilst
I was in bed. He's recovering from surgery and he looked so cute with
his little eyes and pink nose but staying in bed was the easy option and
was not going to make me lose weight. I relented and gave him five
minutes before forcing myself out, remembering my airplane seat mantra.
And what an improvement!
The riverbanks are no longer flooded so I was able to go on the route
that my sister originally took me on. (Ahh, so nice to be out besides
the river listening to the tweeting of the birds, breathing in the fresh
air!) My runs have improved already. I did stop the first two times
about 5-seconds before the minute was up, whereas last time, I was
stopping about 10-seconds from the end so small victory to me. The third
time, I told myself to keep running until the minute was up no matter
what, which I did. Another victory to me! In all, I managed to keep
going until finally being too knackered to continue with only two runs
left. Last time, I had three runs left so yet another victory to me!
My next run is on Friday and I am determined to do even better. I
have come to realise that I am starting out too fast and that this is
detrimental. Once I had realised, I slowed my pace and found that the
minute was easier so I need to keep in mind that slow and steady wins
the race. I shall also be repeating week 1 until I have mastered it so
that I don't become disheartered and don't do myself an injury. All in
all, today was a good day.
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