Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Total loss of 9lbs

Well, the shin-splints have healed and I went for a run today. My God, was it hard work! I have ditched the NHS Couch to 5K programme as it's just not right for me. I started today on the 1:1 run that I mentioned in my previous post. Anyway, today was hard bloody work. I had a shit weekend having been exiled to my room (my Nan was down and wanted to watch all of the boring Jubilee stuff all day for the whole weekend), I think that I have a cold coming and I have gone over my syn allowance quite a few times this week. I thought that this meant that I'd put on weight but I haven't, I've lost again. Huzzah!

I got up at 5:30am and thought 'I'm going back to bed'. I felt really rough, my eye has been bloodshot and itchy for the past few days and I think that I'm getting a cold, so off to bed I trot. Only, I can't sleep. Because The Voice is there:

The Voice: 'Get up'

Me: 'No. I'm here now and this is where I'm staying'.

The Voice: 'Get up'.

Me: 'No'

The Voice: 'You know I'll win in the end'.

Me: 'For Fucks sake!'

So I got up (again) and weighed myself: total loss: 9lbs. Weirdly enough, that cheered me up and made me want to go for a run! The run wasn't too bad; not great but not too bad. I actually only managed to finish one run but I kept going until the end of the 1:1 programme. Hopefully Friday will be easier.

I also ran past five women runners who I have never seen before; I think that I may have met some fellow 'Race for Life'-ers!

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